Nice, but a few flaws
1) the max number of men you can select at once is 12. Hero + 12 men = 13. You have to select twice to move all your men- annoying
2) too easy to just send the hero in, pull him out, and have apprentices/archers rain death while you just meander back and forth.
3) if you've got a castle, money is so easy to come by that spearmen/footmen become redundant
4) attacking a building shouldn't be automatic. it feels like a kludge that you have to shift-click away from buildings while you're dealing with orcs.
5) since money just flows, and you're never attacked after the first couple waves, there's no reason to protect your troops. just keep churning out royal guards and apprentices to replace those that die.
6) your hero is upgradeable, but no other unit gains experience with combat- it would be nice to have them "promoted" if they make kills.