pretty fun, but occasionally frustrating.
basically, if one or none of them attack you at the start, you're sorted. all you have to do is pay off the guy attacking you, build up your own population by rotating propaganda between the guys that aren't attacking you, and watch them wear each other down as you build up warheads, special carriers, and defense batteries.
if two or more of them decide they don't like you, you're screwed, especially when missiles start flying.
beat it a couple times, score around 1.3-1.5mil, dunno how good that is. a multiplayer online version would be class if you sped up the animations, and the weaponry variations need to be more distinct (for each category it's small, medium, big, fucking huge.) perhaps if some types of attack (biowarheads, tank attacks) lowered your own public opinion rating, and if the larger biowarheads lasted more than one turn.
minor criticisms; sound from gunshots is annoying, it doesn't need to be repeated so much. just a couple of shots per soldier and have it end.
when i was down to one enemy, he'd try and diplomacy me into not attacking; this is pointless, since the game is "World Domination", not "World Co-Existence". and when i sent spies to him, clearly showing my spy center, he didn't seem to notice and his like-o-meter even went up...
also, i would recommend a campaign mode with enough variation to keep a player occupied for 10-ish hours or so, that would be enough to make me buy WD3 at least. :)
it's not quite ready for commercial sale, at least imo. but the concept is solid and the multiplayer + campaign modes would do the job